Stone Name: Vessonite Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Sagittarius, CapricornsCHAKRA: Heart ChakraPLANETS: VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 6.5 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I easily release thought patterns which no longer serve me.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 2 Vessonite can be useful when needing to clear negative and or...
Stone Name: Unakite Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: ScorpioCHAKRA: Heart ChakraPLANETS: VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 6 to 7 HardnessNUMERICAL VIBRATION: 9 Unakite supports convalescence and recovery from major illness. It treats the reproductive system and stimulates healthy pregnancies while facilitating...
Stone Name: Tiger Eye Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: CapricornCHAKRA: Sacral & Solar Plexus ChakraPLANETS: Sun & MarsMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am filled with warmth and light.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 4 & 8 Tiger Eye is the power to focus the mind,...
Stone Name: Sodalite Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: SagittariusCHAKRA: Throat & Third Eye ChakraPLANETS: Moon & VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 5.5 to 6 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am guided by logic and intuition.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 4 Sodalite balances the metabolism, boosts the immune system and...
Stone Name: Smoky Quartz Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio CHAKRA: Root Chakra PLANETS: VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessNUMERICAL VIBRATION: 2 & 8 Smoky Quartz is a variety of quartz of brownish grey shades earning the stone the meaning of its...
Stone Name: Sunstone Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN:, Libra, LeoCHAKRA: Sacral & Solar Plexus ChakraPLANETS: SunMOHS HARDNESS: 6 to 6.5 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am proud of the person that I amNUMERICAL VIBRATION: 1 Sunstone is known as a stone...
Stone Name: Lepidolite Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: LibraCHAKRA: Third Eye, Crown Chakra & Solar Plexus ChakraPLANETS: Jupiter, NeptuneMOHS HARDNESS: 2.5 to 3 HardnessNUMERICAL VIBRATION: 8 Lepidolite is a very soft and brittle stone that can only be cut,...
Stone Name: Labradorite Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Leo, Scorpio, SagittariusCHAKRA: Third Eye & Crown ChakraPLANETS: VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 6 to 6.5 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I welcome transformation into my life.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 6 & 7 Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting...
Stone Name: Iolite Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Taurus, Libra, SagittariusCHAKRA: Throat ChakraPLANETS: SaturnMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I trust in my own actions.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 7 Iolite is a vision stone. It clears thought forms, opening intuition. Aids in understanding and...
Stone Name: Garnet Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries, Leo, Virgo, CapricornCHAKRA: Root, Sacral & Heart ChakraPLANETS: Mars, RahuMOHS HARDNESS: 6 to 7.5 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am passionate and full of energyNUMERICAL VIBRATION: 11 Garnet cleanses and re-energizes the chakras. It...
Stone Name: Citrine Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Leo, VirgoCHAKRA: Solar Plexus & Crown Chakra PLANETS: VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 4 HardnessNUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3.5 Citrine is a yellow to brown form of quartz, with most pieces a golden yellow that’s reminiscent...
Stone Name: Rainbow Moonstone Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: CancerCHAKRA: Third Eye & Crown ChakraPLANETS: Moon & SaturnMOHS HARDNESS: 6 to 6.5 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am balanced and in tune to my emotions.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 77 Rainbow Moonstone's ability to open one...
Stone Name: Blue Aventurine Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries, Leo CHAKRA: Third Eye and Throat ChakrasPLANETS: MercuryMOHS HARDNESS: 6 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am amazing in my own unique wayNUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 Blue Aventurine helps those with addictions to...
Stone Name: Blood Stone Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries, Libra, PiscesCHAKRA: Root ChakraPLANETS: MarsMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I welcome all challenges and will overcome them easily.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 4 & 6 Blood Dragon is an excellent blood cleanser...
Stone Name: White Selenite Origin: India White Selenite is a crystal that vibrates at a very fine vibration level,” says crystal healer Because of this high frequency, “it’s one of the most...
Stone Name: Red Jasper Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries, ScorpioCHAKRA: Root ChakraPLANETS: MarsMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am open to all that is around me and all that is within meNUMERICAL VIBRATION: 6 Red Jasper is known as...
Stone Name: Lapis Lazuli Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Sagittarius, Libra CHAKRA: Throat & Third Eye ChakraPLANETS: Jupiter & NeptuneMOHS HARDNESS: 5 to 6 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I see clearly and speak with confidence.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 Lapis Lazuli was also a very...
Stone Name: Green Aventurine Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries, Gemini, TaurusCHAKRA: Heart ChakraPLANETS: Mercury & VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I maintain thymus gland and nervous system.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 Green Aventurine is a stone of prosperity. It reinforces leadership...
Stone Name: Seven Chakra Origin: India Root chakra The root chakra, or Muladhara, is located at the base of your spine. It provides you with a base or foundation for life,...